Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Second Year

I've been writing in my blog a lot more often than I thought I would be. Especially since the last time I was in Spain it was a lot less frequent. Don't know what's changed! A big difference is I don't put photos on here anymore, that's what Facebook is for I suppose. Plus it takes forever to load on here.

As much of a pain it was to figure out the application process, the visa requirements, and having to wait for payment, I've decided I'm going to apply for a second year here in Spain. So 2013-2014. It's far away, but I figured I might as well apply to have it as a back-up plan, in case I can't find a perfect job in California or if I just end up wanting to go back to Europe. The application is free, and super easy, so why not!? I have lots of time to decide if I actually will do it or not. Also, depends on where they'll place me.

But then I think about all the real-world things I should do. All the "grown-up" things. Get my masters and teaching credential, a sustainable job, place to live, etc. But that's hard to picture right now. But who knows, we change so randomly so in June it could be completely different.

Just planned a trip to Granada, one of my main travel points this year. SO I'M EXCITED!!! We also have a 4 day weekend coming up the beginning of December, I was thinking Berlin, but the tickets are pretty expensive. I must go to Berlin though at some point, for the art, mostly. If not Berlin that weekend then probably the north of Spain, Galicia or Basque country (Bilbao). It's hard to decide between traveling all of Spain or smaller, shorter, trips around cities in Europe. First world problems.

Got kicked in the face by one of my kids today, but he's so cute I was only mad for a second, then he kissed it to make it better. For a second though I was super mad, he did it on purpose because he's taking tae-cuan-do. So I guess I'm his practice punching bag.  Picked up another private lesson, this will be the last one.

Another reason why I've been writing so many posts is because generally, they're pretty short.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ultimate Frisbee

I usually get the urge to write while I'm walking, which sucks, because writing and walking is really difficult, I would imagine. Today is the day I actually get a break where I can rest at home for a couple hours. I go to work from 8am-11am in La Union which is about 30 minutes away. Today I worked in the physical education class, which is my favorite and of course the students favorite class as well. I was in charge of explaining ultimate frisbee, which is really popular in California, can't speak for other states. It was interesting to see the students having to play with their hands and upper body as oppose to their feet and lower body. Some caught on quick. They usually play frisbee on the beach in between two people, but never competitively on teams. It's a sport more welcoming to boys and girls together.

Anyway, I knew a lot more about the rules/how to play than I thought I did. Thanks to my little brothers that are fanatics about not only soccer, but ultimate frisbee too. It was super fun watching the kids play, very exciting, and a nice change of rhythm from soccer. Which they always want to play.

I also gave oral exams to the level two classes. In addition to getting a sense of what level each student is at, I was able to learn more about each student. Their family, their background, their interests. I think this one on one interaction is crucial in learning a second language. I thought back to when I was sitting in Russel Gaskell's office my first years of college answering similar questions for an oral exam in Spanish, and how nervous I was. Interesting that now I am in the opposite position, the one asking the questions and observing the students.

The weeks go by fast, especially since I have Mondays off so I don't start until Tuesday. Before I know it it's Friday already! Unfortunately I have work all day on Fridays. Next vacation is the beginning of December, debating between Granada or Berlin. Not sure. We shall see.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Getting into the Rhythm

The internet is down at one of my schools, and I have a two hour break in which I usually surf the web and do all the things I need to get done. But since  it’s down, I’m just writing a blog entry on Word which I’ll transfer later online. 

I’m beginning to get into the rhythm of my new schedule/life here in Cartagena. The mornings are not as difficult, the days are not as long, and work goes more smoothly. Plus I have much more energy than the past weeks!  Last night it thunder stormed, like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The lightening didn’t stop all night, and I saw actual rays of lightening! It was actually beautiful, and a bit scary. I began thinking about the possibility of me getting struck my lightening…

The mom of the two boys I love working with gave me some homemade chocolate chip muffins last night, another reason to love her family! Last Friday I went to a photography exhibition with another family I work with, it was all about Thailand. Not what I was expecting in the end (landscapes, scenery) because it was focused on Muy Thai, Buddhism, and Tattoos, and how they are connected. There was also a photo of a tiger, I wasn’t impressed. But still fun to go and be in that environment! Today is the birthday of one of the girls I work with, so I’ll buy her a couple of small little presents.

Just got back from Almeria which is in the southern region of Spain in AndalucĂ­a. We stayed with a friend of my roommate who’s flat was right on the beach, amazing, he was a great host. After a day/night of shenanigans we drove our rental car back to Cartagena the next night.  This weekend we’re off to Valencia, since we have Friday off for Dia de Los Santos. This holiday is in my opinion similar to Dia de los Muertos because it’s a day of celebrating the dead. Here, families go to cemeteries with gorgeous bouquets of flowers, I have seen many for sale on the streets.  I wonder why in the United States we don’t have a day like this? Seems that in our culture we don’t like to think or remember the dead because it is a sad topic rather than cherished/nostalgic topic. In Thailand we have alters with photos of the dead, which we place candles, food, water, or incense on.

Right now I am planning trips for me and my family in December/January. Plus this trip for Valencia, which all at the same time is stressful. But I feel ridiculous complaining about how stressful it is to be planning amazing trips that I’m luck to be going on!  So, that’s all the complaining I will do.

HALLOWEEN! Is tomorrow. I’ve been doing mascaras (masks) with the first and second graders I teach, they love it. Sometimes (as loud and wild as they can be) it’s nice to have such an enthusiastic and excited audience for a class! In comparison to high school students, who don’t care or pretend they don’t care because it’s the thing to do at that age. But all my students are great. Although it’s not really celebrated here. If you dress up, it must be something scary. Halloween here is all about scariness. Carnival which is in February/March is more about dressing up however you want.  Maybe I’ll go to Venice for that, we’ll see.