Wednesday, October 2, 2013

1 Week In

Sorry the title isn't more creative. Been here for about a week, two nights in Madrid which were basically just a blur due to jet lag, and the rest here in Cartagena. While in Madrid me and my mom had plans to do all this stuff one day, and ended up sleeping until 5pm. Gives you a crazy feeling when you wake up like that and think "oh it must be no later than 11am or something", then BOOM! All your plans are gone and you're just sitting on your bed wondering what you should do.  Well anyway we go back this weekend to take her to the airport so I'll be able to squeeze in El Parque del Retiro and El Botin.

Cartagena is nice, warm and humid, but not unbearably so. The fact that it's right on the coast allows the ocean breeze to come into the city which without, I would die. The main city Murcia about a 45 minute bus ride inland is super hot. Glad I'm not living there!  All my roommates are great, one is from France who is doing the same program as me, another is from Canada who is here studying and her first language is french but speaks good English, and the last girl is from a small pueblo near here, studying also at the university.

Friday we have our big orientation (about time), and instead of starting this week for my two main jobs, i'll be starting next week (figures).  The Spanish lifestyle is very stress-free in the sense that people tend to wait until the last minute then say "no pasa nada" and know that in time everything will work out in the end. Which as you can imagine, drives people who are not use to that lifestyle, crazy. For me I figure, whenever they want me to work, i'll work. No rush. Still getting adjusted to this city and lifestyle, plus my Mom is still here, so more time to spend with her!  We went to La Manga yesterday, but I think the wrong part, because there was a total of 8 other people there. Across the small bay of water we saw the real La Manga with sky scrapper buildings build along the coast. So tomorrow we will go there. Our mistake was taking the FEVE train instead of the Alsa bus, dropping you off in two completely different areas. We ended up in the smaller pueblo Los Nietos, which is right next to La Manga.

Today will be a bunch of chores, opening a bank account, making copies for Friday's orientation, etc. My Mom is trying to find an asian market here, which is difficult because it's a smaller city. But my roommate who loves to cook (she's made crepes and sushi within the past couple days!) told us of a Carrefour a few blocks away that has fish sauce, glass noodles, so my Mom of course is set on going today. She wants to make some Thai food for my roommates. Today I also actually have my first private tutor session with an 11 year old girl. Meeting here mom a few blocks down the street then we'll walk to their piso. She is a friend of one of my teachers. Should be fun!

Oh, also I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose and swore throat...great. I had heard a bunch of the people I was partying with say they started to feel sick, so I figured it would catch up to me. There's nothing worse than being sick in a country you're still trying to get use to. At least I have my Mommy! And it could be worse. Like when I went to Los Banos with a high fever the entire weekend and still did all the activities, rafting, horse back riding, but I survived!

I've taken photos, but haven't had the time to upload them.

Time to go drink some tea to sooth my throat :)

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